Dalton Ludwick, student i entomologi, frågade Twitter: Om du kunde få hela världen att lära sig något om ditt forskningsfält, vad skulle det vara? Hashtaggen #MyOneScienceTweet föddes och det blev fantastiskt.
Ichthyosaurs and Pterosaurs are NOT dinosaurs.
— Thomas Clements (@Thomas_Clements) October 30, 2017
But this guy: 🦅 and 🦉 and 🦆 and 🐥 and 🦃 and 🕊 ARE all dinosaurs.#MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/fg7NB1ryrU
Här är några favoriter:
Sharks are not a threat to humans, and humans are better off with healthy shark populations than we are without them #MyOneScienceTweet ? https://t.co/84avMfdBjo
— Dr. David Shiffman (@WhySharksMatter) October 28, 2017
There are over 200 different types of cancer. There isn't going to be one 'cure'.#MyOneScienceTweet
— Dr Vicky Forster (@vickyyyf) October 28, 2017
There is a species of sea slug that smells like watermelon #MyOneScienceTweet https://t.co/2dCC4p1bOO
— Kyle? (@phycofrenzy) October 29, 2017
Turning a lightbulb on means something somewhere is spinning a little slower. #MyOneScienceTweet
— Scott (@Scotty_McQ) October 30, 2017
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